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【雙聯學制報名-五專部】2025-2026 赴法國雷恩商學院(Rennes Business School)修讀學士學位

發布日期 2024-11-01 14:03:00

【五專科雙聯學制法國RSB-Joint Degree報名】
2025-2026 赴法國雷恩商學院(Rennes Business School)修讀學士學位 
Rennes School Business Joint Degree Program 

同學想在文藻讀書同時取得國外學位嗎? 想要在求學期間體驗異國文化的讀書經驗嗎?

法國語文科五專三年級或四年級可以直攻RSB學士,並修讀及實習共三年即可取得校文憑管理學士學位Bachelor in Management (BiM) (法語: Diplôme de Gestion et de Management des Entreprises)包含一份專業領域Specializations: Marketing 或Finance或Supply Chain。
The Bachelor in Management is a 3-year bachelor's degree which aims to provide high-school certificate holders with a solid academic and practical foundation in business management and operations. This degree will enable students to develop detailed knowledge of management subjects and to acquire soft, interpersonal and linguistic skills, along with the ability to work as part of a team through the development of practical group projects and business plans. From the first year, students can choose to study in French/English or in English.
Bachelor in Management- French and English
Bachelor in Management-100% English


►學士全英文授課: English proficiency:
If the students select the track taught 100% in English from the very first year, they must provide: a TOEIC score of 750, an IELTS score of 6.0, a TOEFL score of 80, show proof of a Cambridge B2 level of English, or evidence of the completion of their last two years of education in English. In the absence of an official English certificate, students will have the opportunity to undergo an informal English assessment, closely resembling the TOEIC, as part of the admission process. This test will be provided by RSB once they are admitted to the programme.
To be granted the degree, at the end of their studies, students will need to present a TOEIC score of 785, an IELTS score of 6.5, or a TOEFL score of 80 if they were not able to submit it at the stage of the admission process. 
► 法文及英文授課: French anf English proficiency
Teaching languages :
Year 1: 20% English – 80% French
Year 2: 50% French – 50% English
Year 3: 100% English

If the students select the track delivered mainly in French for the first year, students must provide a DELF B2. In addition, students will need to obtain a TOEIC score of 500, an IELTS score of 4.5, a TOEFL score of 50, or show proof of a Cambridge B2 level of English. In the absence of an official English certificate, students will have the opportunity to undergo an informal English assessment, closely resembling the TOEIC, as part of the admission process. This test will be provided by RSB once they are admitted to the programme.
To be granted the degree, at the end of their studies, students will need to present a TOEIC score of 785, an IELTS score of 6.5, or a TOEFL score of 80 if they were not able to submit it at the stage of the admission process.

Students must successfully complete the year 3 or the year 4 of the 5-year junior college program with no reassessments or deferral; and achieve at least a 60 Wenzao credits of the above mentioned WENZAO programme to be eligible.

1.    中文報名表(→下載附件
2.    英文報名表(→下載附件
3.    歷年成績單(中文及英文版)
4.    家長同意書(→下載附件
5.    英文履歷表(A4 1頁,格式不限)
6.    英檢證明/法文證明(可提交之證明請見補充說明)
7.    護照影本

錄取結果通知: 113年12月13日(三)

若有任何問題,請來信至 90012@mail.wzu.edu.tw諮詢
Line帳號: https://line.me/R/ti/g/Em6hsBqh6h