  • 字級大小

Aim to provide opportunities for students to learn French, to experience culture in French-speaking countries, to expand international perspective, and to enhance cross-cultural communication and critical thinking skills, our department actively cultivate the international exchange and cooperation. Currently working with 10 universities and 2 Grandes Écoles in France, and 5 universities in Belgium for exchanges and cooperation, each year the department offers approximately 30-50 opportunities to enable students to be an international exchange students for a period of one semester or one-year exchange program. The department also provides students with access to other universities like Shanghai International Studies University and Beijing Foreign Studies University with a chance of short-term visit.

Every year, the department organizes for a period of two to three weeks of short-term exchange study visits per year in French High School.

Bachelor students can subscribe for double-degree program in our partner Grande École and obtain a master in a specific area.